(1) The publisher shall be the Level I of the selfregulating mechanism.
(2) A publisher shall—
(a) establish a grievance redressal mechanism and shall appoint a Grievance Officer based in India, who shall be responsible for the redressal of grievances received by him;
(b) display the contact details related to its grievance redressal mechanism and the name and contact details of its Grievance Officer at an appropriate place on its website or interface, as the case may be;
(c) ensure that the Grievance Officer takes a decision on every grievance received by it within fifteen days, and communicate the same to the complainant within the specified time:
(d) be a member of a self-regulating body as referred to in rule 12 and abide by its terms and conditions.
(3) The Grievance Officer shall —
(a) be the contact point for receiving any grievance relating to Code of Ethics;
(b) act as the nodal point for interaction with the complainant, the self-regulating body and the Ministry.
(4) Online curated content shall be classified by the publisher of such content into the categories referred to in the Schedule, having regard to the context, theme, tone, impact and target audience of such content, with the relevant rating for such categories based on an assessment of the relevant content descriptors in the manner specified in the said Schedule.
(5) Every publisher of online curated content shall display the rating of any online curated content and an explanation of the relevant content descriptors, prominently to its users at an appropriate place, as the case may be, in a manner that ensures that such users are aware of this information before accessing such content.
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